(i dont know where the focus point is, also dont know why i uploaded it)
i always wonder, what will i be doing the next few years after graduated from collage. Will i be working like my father? or will i be working as an architect like i wanted all these years? sometimes i wonder also, what if i cant go to collage or something like that? why cant i live peacefully and happily in village or somewhere remote and far far away from the city. ill be working as a restaurant owner, or maybe a farmer? we dont think much like what most people do in the city. we just live happily and peacefully in a little village with our spouse. its just a random thought, ill be studying and working hard to get a degree, so i will be able to work for my dad's company or even maybe work as an architect? who knows?
By the way, those are pictures ive taken recently at Ci-blablablbaa and Bandung. All taken by iPhone 4s.